Category - Top Stories

Rangeland research
USDA Fellowship Helps Chapman Scientists Prepare Food Producers for an Uncertain Future How do rangeland systems respond to changes in weather? With funding from the Department of Agriculture, Schmid College researchers are eager to provide answers.
Marion Knott Studios, Dodge College, at night
Chapman’s Film School No. 4 in National Rankings COVID response, cutting-edge facilities and difference-making Careers Office are cited by the film industry publications as Dodge College continues its rise nationally.  
Chapman Student Helps Discover Rare Dinosaur Fossil on Montana Expedition
Jim Doti on Musco State presenting forecast update report.
Chapman Economists Deliver Optimistic Forecast, But Warn That Inflation Is Looming
Architect's conceptual rendering of large dance studio.
Chapman Receives $5 Million Gift to Transform Historic Site into Sandi Simon Center for Dance In addition to providing students with state-of-the-art facilities, the donation brings new life to a beloved landmark.
Reg Stewart
New Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Aims to Build Trust and Make DEI Central to Campus Conversations
jesse gutierrez
Jesse Gutierrez (MLD ’16) Launches New Business for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Dancer is lifted by fellow classmates at dance performance.
Chapman Dance Students Collaborate with Senior Living Community to Create Stories That Move
President Emeritus Jim Doti presented the annual Economic Forecast in a university studio, allowing thousands of viewers to watch the virtual event online.
How Long Will COVID-19 Affect the Economy? Find Out at Chapman’s Economic Forecast Update Admission to the Wednesday, June 16, virtual event is complimentary.
Chapman student Emma Kocik in the lab
Chapman’s First Beckman Scholar to Fill a Key Gap in Marine Research Chemistry major Emma Kocik ’22 earns the prestigious scholarship with a project to test nanoparticles as a tool for restoring ecosystems.
Major in World War II Oscar Mitchell in uniform.
Our Efforts to Find and Preserve Our Nation’s Great, Undiscovered Literature – War Letters
3 students in Swenson Hall of Engineering.
Cutting-Edge Robotics, Lasers and Design Elevate Chapman’s New Engineering Hall In addition to high-tech tools, the Swenson Family Hall of Engineering features an immersive layout that promotes collaboration and innovation.

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