Category - Health & Behavior

Chapman communication sciences and disorders students Adrienne Lee (MS '25) and Brooke Magill (MS '25) talk with a student in Dominica.
Chapman Health Science Faculty, Students Make Global Connections Speech therapy professors and students take their first trip to Dominica; physical therapy faculty share expertise with Ukraine and Tajikistan.
adam kalawi master class
Adam Kalawi ’14 MD: Revolutionizing Pediatric Neurology Through Gene Therapy During his 2024 Homecoming master class, a Chapman alumnus talked about how emerging technologies are transforming the way genetic conditions are being treated.
Chapman University, CalOptima leaders and physician assistant students at an event at Rinker Campus celebrating CalOptima's $5 million grant to support scholarships for PA students.
Chapman Physician Assistant Program Celebrates $5 Million Grant Workforce Development Grant funds scholarships for PA students from under-resourced backgrounds.
Chapman banner
Communication Sciences and Disorders program receives $600K grant to fund Childhood Language Clinic
dean ostrom
New Pharmacy Dean Looks Ahead After Decade of CUSP Rennolds Ostrom is the second dean in the School of Pharmacy’s history and looks to build on a successful first decade.
pharmacy lab
CUSP’s Jeff Goad Named President of National Foundation for Infectious Diseases

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