Category - Campus & Students

Argyros College - "Economics of the Internet and AI" class
Chapman and Viant Team Up to Empower Students With Practical Skills A top advertising tech company in Orange County is providing students with unique insights on AI and other innovative technologies.
entertainment law clinic
Aspiring Entertainment Lawyers Get Industry Experience at Chapman Students in the entertainment law clinic have worked on legal agreements for 70 films over the years.
Darian Nourian
Darian Nourian (JD ’24) is Professional On and Off the Field Fowler School of Law graduate applies law school lessons on the soccer field.
rachel berns holding cheverton award
SGA President Rachel Berns ’24 Named Cheverton Award Winner Chapman University’s Campus Leadership Awards recognized outstanding graduates in the Class of 2024.
katie kitchens, audrey fong
2024 Doti Awards Honor Graduate Students in Education and English The annual award acknowledges outstanding academic accomplishment, scholarly and creative work and service by graduating master's and doctoral students.
students in front of state capitol
Chapman Students Advocate for Higher Education at State Capitol Participants in a six-month internship program met with Assemblymember Avelino Valencia and others to win support for increased Cal-Grant funding for students enrolled at private universities.
graduating students in Ernie Chapman Stadium
Class of 2024 Prepares for Graduation, Honorary Degree Recipients Announced Chapman will honor President Emeritus Jim Doti for 50 years of service to the university, among other long-time university friends and community leaders.
students on bert williams mall
Exploring Majors at Chapman University: A Student Perspective Students who enter Chapman before choosing a major get support and guidance thanks to the comprehensive Exploratory Majors Program.
Elyn Lam
Pharmacy Student Given Leadership Award
CUSP VIP Case Competition
CUSP Students Finish in Top 5 in National Competition
Seimone and Mylene Jurjis
First Chapman Family of the Year Awarded to Seimone and Mylene Jurjis
overhead shot of researchers gathered around table with copmuters, books and papers
Chapman Students’ Research Sheds Light on Dangers of Extreme Heat in Orange County In a cross-disciplinary course, professors Gregory Goldsmith and Joshua Fisher help students translate remote-sensing information into community-based change.

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