Category - Alumni

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Making a world of difference in communications career
Schmid Gate
Class Notes: Spring 2014
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‘Dear White People’ is a breakout success for Justin Simien ’05
Shamsi and Munira at Chapman College on October 12, 2012
Veiled Voices of Justice
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Chapman alumna starts premium basics clothing line
Schmid Gate
Class Notes: Winter 2014
woman playing violin
Temianka leaves legacy at Chapman’s Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music
boat on sand
Chapman alumna makes a career of perpetually circling the globe
people paddling on a canoe
Inside Cover Exclusive: Winter 2014
stock photo of computer
Crowdfunding Opens New Roads to Revenue
man smiling in doctors office
Success feels good for nationally honored physical therapy alumnus
nurses all lined up
Clinic of Smiles

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