Tag - A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research

jim doti
Chapman University economists see more jobs in Orange County’s future
jim doti
40 years of forecasting — and teaching Chapman University's Economic Forecast is still a teachable moment for President Emeritus Jim Doti
man smiling
A. Gary Anderson Center forecasts sluggish job growth for Orange County
the Atallah Piazza
Raymond Sfeir, Ph.D. Named New Director of Anderson Center for Economic Research
Chapman University Mourns Death of Esmael Adibi, Ph.D., Beloved Professor and Co-Presenter of Chapman Economic Forecasts
speaker on stage
Chapman economists say long recovery in ‘middle age’ and not done yet
man presenting
Economic forecast sees more jobs returning as recovery continues
man smiling
Now Professor Adibi has a real crystal ball for those real estate forecasts
audience in concert hall
Construction grows, fueling a slow but steady recovery, forecast update says

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