Tag - education

Finance students in this winter's "Walk on Wall Street" travel course were joined by Dean Reggie Gilyard, pictured at far left.
Finance students meet Wall Street’s movers and shakers during winter travel course
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International School Psychology Association endorses CES graduate program
Chapman University's Speech and Debate Team hauled home several individual awards and the sweepstakes trophy in recent competition.
Talking up a storm — Chapman Speech and Debate team brings home sweepstakes award
Need a breather as finals draw to a close? Check out Fish Interfaith Center exhibit
reggie gilyard
New Argyros School Dean Reggie Gilyard makes OC Metro’s ‘Hottest 25’ list for 2012
Chapman University experts to discuss ‘Nuclear Iran’ at Nov. 14 panel
Chapman partners with Ruebén Martínez on educational bookstore in Santa Ana
Chapman University rises to sixth spot in U.S. News ranking, named ‘Up and Coming’
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Chapman to host Fourth Annual Closing the Latino Achievement Gap Summit
Big Orange Book Festival announced; Alice Sebold, Sapphire among featured authors

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