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A message from President Daniele Struppa on DACA
Lastinger Tennis Center
New Anderson Tennis Center opens
chapman students
Opening Convocation welcomes class of 2021 to the ‘Chapman Family’
Chapman University’s College of Educational Studies is named for alumna Donna Ford Attallah
Undeclared? Chapman provides students plenty of options and direction
Chapman University and Chapman Radio make Princeton Review lists
Dancing the physical therapy way Ballet shoes replace leg braces in Crean College class that measures success with fun.
Chapman faculty among team selected as inaugural recipient of CHOC Children’s Foundation Philanthropic Venture Funds Program
Seen and (goat) herd 2017 Schweitzer Award winner gives others the tools to succeed and sustain
Alum’s literary and cultural vision takes root at 1888 Center in Old Towne Orange
Progress is the badge of honor for all at Chapman’s Stroke Boot Camp
Chapman student wins Schloss Mirabell Vocal Competition in Salzburg

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