
Faculty Notes, May 11, 2017

We welcome all faculty news and notes. Please submit them online using the Faculty Notes Submission Form.

We welcome all faculty news and notes. Please submit them online using the Faculty Notes Submission Form.

Margaret Grogan, Ph.D., professor and dean, College of Educational Studies, co-authored an article in the journal Frontiers in Education titled “Necessary but Not Sufficient: The Continuing Inequality between Men and Women in Educational Leadership, Findings from the American Association of School Administrators Mid-Decade Survey.”

Rosalee Hellberg, Ph.D, associate professor, food science, Schmid College of Science and Technology, co-authored an article in the journal Food Control with Brenda Hernandez ’16 (M.S. ’17) and Eddie Hernandez, a student who participated in the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Ecological and Environmental Sciences (SURFEES) program. Brenda Hernandez completed the work as part of her undergraduate capstone requirement. She worked with Hellberg and Eddie Hernandez on the article titled “Identification of meat and poultry species in food products using DNA barcoding.”

Rachel Lambert, Ph.D. assistant professor, College of Educational Studies, co-authored an article with the University of Tulsa’s Paulo Tan in the journal Education Sciences titled “Conceptualizations of Students with and without Disabilities as Mathematical Problem Solvers in Educational Research: A Critical Review.”

Ramesh P. Singh, Ph.D., professor, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Schmid College, presented a paper, “Growing air pollution in the Indo-Gangetic Plains and its impact on human health.” at the inaugural Planetary Health/GeoHealth meeting in April at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

Robyn Norwood

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