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Chapman University Experts Available To Discuss Coronavirus

The following scholars at Chapman University are available to offer expert commentary on a variety of topics related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and its effects.

Also see our Newsroom’s COVID-19–related news.

Find experts by category in the lists below:
Pharmacy and Medicine | Public Health | Psychology and Mental Health | Technology | Food Safety | Culture and Humanities | K-12 Education and Higher Education | Law, Political Science and Economics

Pharmacy and Medicine

Jeff GoadJEFF GOAD, professor of pharmacy, chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice

Expertise: Travel Medicine; Vaccines or Immunizations; Public Health; Epidemiology


Karl Hess

KARL HESS, associate professor of pharmacy, director of Community Pharmacy Practice Innovations

Expertise: Community Pharmacy Practice; Travel Medicine; Vaccines; Self-Care Therapeutics


Professor Jerika Lam

JERIKA LAM, associate professor of pharmacy practice

As the only infectious diseases pharmacist on the Patient Safety Movement Foundation COVID-19 Task Force, Dr. Lam provides updates about drug treatments and management strategies against COVID-19.


STEPHANIE SALDIVAR, assistant professor of physician assistant studiesMICHAEL BURNEY, associate professor and chair of physician assistant studies

Expertise: Both are working on the frontlines in the caring for COVID-19 patients


Public Health

Alexander Bay, Ph.D.ALEXANDER BAY, associate professor of history

Expertise: Historian of Health Medicine




Jason Douglas, Ph.D.

JASON DOUGLAS, assistant professor of health sciences

Expertise: Messaging of public health issues using health indicators; how unequal access to health promoting resources could contribute to increased disease prevalence in disadvantaged communities.

Dr. Douglas is currently collecting data in the cities of New York and Los Angeles with the aims of developing a Viral Pandemic Risk Index based on neighborhood characteristics.

Dr. Gruenewald environmental portrait

TARA GRUENEWALD, associate professor of psychology

Expertise: Human behavior and health messaging

Dr. Gruenewald is currently investigating whether greater prosociality predicts better mental, social and physical well-being.


Hillard Kaplan professor portrait
HILLARD KAPLAN, professor of health economics and anthropology

Dr. Kaplan and his team are currently engaged in mitigation efforts of COVID-19 effects on tribal populations in lowland Bolivia. This is a collaborative effort with the tribal leadership and government authorities responsible for responding to the pandemic, engaging in a collective decision-making process to determine the response needed to combat the epidemic.

ashley kranjac, ph.d.ASHLEY KRANJAC, assistant professor of sociology

Expertise: Health disparities; health behaviors; social determinants of health; population health; neighborhood effects

Dr. Kranjac can speak to the meaning and experience of health as shaped by cultural and social systems and has written about how county-level factors influence the trajectory of COVID-19.

Uri Maoz, Ph.D.URI MAOZ, assistant professor of psychology and computational neuroscience and member of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Brain and Behavioral Sciences

Expertise: Population compliance with social distancing; Understanding relations between emotional biases, decision-making and behavior in the COVID-19 pandemic through a national sample


Psychology and Mental Health

David FrederickDAVID FREDERICK, associate professor of health psychology

Expertise: How stay-at-home orders, increased social distancing, and the rapid increase of COVID-19 infections in the United States are impacting mental health, physical health, health behaviors and social relationships.

Dr. Frederick led an all-Chapman team of researchers to conduct a national COVID-19 and mental health survey (spring 2019), where the experiences of 4149 people living in the United States were examined.

michael hass, ph.d.MICHAEL HASS, professor of school psychology

Expertise: Mental health; resilience; crisis and trauma; mindfulness

Dr. Hass can speak to how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting school-based mental health as well as crisis and trauma in school-age youth.

Naveen Jonathan

NAVEEN JONATHAN, associate professor and chair of marriage and family therapy

Expertise: Family and couple relationships amidst COVID-19; Mental HealthOnline Therapy


KELLY KENNEDY, associate professor and director of school counseling and school psychology programs

Expertise: School-based mental health; school-based counseling; LGBTQ youth

Dr. Kennedy can speak to how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting school-based mental health and delivery of school-based mental health services.

jay kumarJAY KUMAR, instructor of contemplative studies, Director of Contemplative Practice and Wellbeing

Expertise: Staying positive during the spread of coronavirus; science and spirituality of happiness


woman smiling

GAIL STEARNS, associate professor of religious studies and Irvin C. and Edy Chapman Dean of the Wallace All Faiths Chapel

Expertise: Interfaith, mindfulness, spirituality, gender issues, Christianity



HESHAM EL-ASKARY, professor of computational and data science

ExpertiseModeling the reduction of emissions due to quarantine strategies.

SHENYUE JIA, postdoctoral researcher

Expertise: Researching how Facebook data can help measure social distancing

helen norrisHELEN NORRIS, vice president and chief information officer

Expertise: Transitioning a university to remote teaching/working



Food Safety

Anuradha PrakashANURADHA PRAKASHprofessor and director of food science

Expertise: food processing and preservation; product development


Culture and Humanities

MICHAEL ASHLEY, adjunct professor of screenwriting
Expertise: entertainment; emotional intelligence; messaging; storytelling; media; public relations; thought leadership. He is a screenwriter and a columnist with Forbes and Entrepreneur, and has wrote about remote teaching.

Ian Barnard, Ph.D.IAN BARNARD, professor of English, director of LGBTQ Studies Program
Expertise: Comparisons and Differences on Coronavirus to the AIDS Crisis; How the spread of diseases motivate rhetoric that threaten human rights

Rachel Goldberg from Dodge CollegeRACHEL GOLDBERG, assistant professor of film and media arts
Her pilot production was shut down due to COVID-19, and she can speak on her experience and COVID-19’s impact on the film industry.

Graphic artist and information designer Claudine Jaenichen

CLAUDINE JAENICHEN, associate professor of art
Expertise: Effectiveness of information and visual communication distributed to the public on COVID-19


profile photo of jennifer keene at chapman university
Jennifer Keene

JENNIFER KEENE, dean of Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

ROBERT SLAYTON, Henry Salvatori professor of American values and traditions

Expertise: Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and how learning about this pandemic of a century ago may give us a clearer perspective on today’s COVID-19 crisis.

anna leahyANNA LEAHY, professor of English and director of creative writing program

Expertise: Ways that writers have been affected by and are responding to the global pandemic; importance of individuals documenting their experiences of this historical moment of change.

lindsay shenLINDSAY SHEN, director of Art Collections

Expertise: Museum Management; Coronavirus’ Impact on Museums; Future of Museums; Museums’ Move to Online Engagement

professor pete simiPETER SIMI, associate professor of sociology

ExpertiseHate crimes and hate incidents related to COVID-19; online activity among white supremacists and their use of different social media platforms


K-12 Education And Higher Education

quaylan allen, ph.d.QUAYLAN ALLEN, associate professor of integrated educational studies and director of First-Generation Programs

Expertise: Equity/inequity in K-12 learning; first-generation students in higher education; educational policy

Dr. Allen can speak to how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting equity in access to K-12 education and higher ed, particularly for first-generation students.

MICHELLE HALL, Attallah College director of Program Assessment and Improvement

Expertise: Educational policy and politics; school-community relationships.

Hall can speak to how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting teacher credentialing programs in California and the state teacher shortage.

KEITH HOWARD, associate professor of teacher education

Expertise: K-12 computer science; career and technical education

Dr. Howard can speak to how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting equity in access to STEM education.

Amy Jane GriffithsAMY-JANE GRIFFITHS, NCSP, licensed psychologist PSY 2453, assistant professor of clinical counseling, coordinator of school counseling and licensed professional clinical counselor programs

Expertise: Autism and employment; STEM education for youth with disabilities; future of education.

Dr. Griffiths can speak to how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting and will continue to impact the future of education.


Law, Political Science & Economics

GORDON BABST, associate professor of political science
Expertise: religion and politics, issues of ideology and diversity and inclusion. Dr. Babst can speak on First Amendment rights and freedom of religion.

Chapman University President Emeritus and Professor of Economics Jim Doti

JIM DOTI, president emeritus and professor of economics

Dr. Doti founded the A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research and has presented the Chapman Economic Forecast for 42 consecutive years.  He can provide analyses relating to when and how the California economy should hit the restart button.

dr. andrea molle and dr. steven gjerstad
Dr. Andrea Molle (left) and Dr. Steven Gjerstad

STEVEN GJERSTAD, Presidential Fellow in the Economic Science Institute

ANDREA MOLLEassistant professor of political science

Gjerstad and Molle have published a note that considers whether age is an independent factor that contributes to COVID-19 mortalities, or whether co-morbidity factors such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension are the major contributors to mortality.

Dr. Molle is also working with American and Italian analytical social scientists to address social factors that affect the spread of COVID-19, and is co-leading a research group on “COVID-19 and Social Vulnerability: Computational Modeling, Data Analytics, and System Interoperability.” 

kyndra rotundaKYNDRA ROTUNDA, professor and executive director of Military and Veterans Law

Expertise: Legal issues related to military service and activations, particularly during wars or national emergencies


MARC WEIDENMIER, professor of economics and finance

Expertise: Impacts of COVID-19 on consumer confidence as measured from the Chapman–CMC Orange County Consumer Sentiment Index

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