Tag - politics

close up of condoleezza rice smiling
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Inspires Students at Chapman University
Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies
VOICE OF OC: Who Are Your Options to Run Your Government? Here’s Who Made it Onto the November Ballot
Fred Smoller Headshot
EAST BAY TIMES: Chapman Political Expert Weighs in on Anaheim Mayor’s Resignation and Allegations of Corruption
Chapman University campus
VOICE OF OC: FBI Probe Into Anaheim Shines Spotlight on Special Interest Spending in Irvine
free speech
Talking to the Other Side: having the Trump discussion on campus – a panel on the proper role of politics in the university Event is free and open to the public MEDIA INVITED
Professor says it’s a race against time for second-term presidents with big agendas
Chapman University experts to discuss ‘Nuclear Iran’ at Nov. 14 panel
Alumnus speakers brings perspective to world events
Events in Middle East topic of Monday panel with Chapman experts

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