Tag - faculty research

graph labeled "Number of Federal Charges"
Student Researchers Assist DHS Efforts to Protect Public Officials Overseen by sociology professor Pete Simi, the team of researchers hopes to gain a deeper understanding of why threats to public officials have been increasing in recent years.
Research on Pediatric Opioid Prescribing Gains Notice
Money in the marsh? Chapman researchers study coastal wetlands' ability to store carbon, a potential source for a carbon credit market
Chapman University faculty honored for achievement in research funding
Dr. Hahn-Holbrook of Crean College releases study on breastfeeding gaps between white, black, and Hispanic mothers in the U.S.
Faculty Notes, Sept. 1, 2015
Faculty Notes, July 23, 2015
Faculty Notes, June 12, 2015
Faculty Notes, May 29, 2015

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