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Author - Sarah Buckley

Sarah graduated from Chapman University in 2014 with her B.A. in Communication Studies with a minor in Psychology.
oliver mathias
Breakup Buddy: Oliver Mathias ‘21 Creates AI App That Helps Ease the Pain of Heartbreak 
Frank Shaver-Burgess
Chapman Alumnus Named OC Queer Activist/Philanthropist of the Year Frank Shaver-Burgess (MA ’21) advocates for inclusivity in the wedding planning industry
Christine Crispen counsels a student.
She Gives Chapman Students a Leg Up as They Pursue Their Dream Careers in Health Care In her new role with Schmid College, Christine Crispen '02 is helping all science students succeed, with a special focus on those applying to medical and other health schools.
Ishaan Shah ’23 looks forward to advancing his own photochemistry research to address symptoms of severe asthma, a health concern he has lived with for seven years.
Schmid College Student Researchers Receive Prestigious National Scholarships
Chemistry researcher
Chapman Chemistry Program Earns Prestigious Accreditation From American Chemical Society
Chapman student Emma Kocik in the lab
Chapman’s First Beckman Scholar to Fill a Key Gap in Marine Research Chemistry major Emma Kocik ’22 earns the prestigious scholarship with a project to test nanoparticles as a tool for restoring ecosystems.
student working on laptop
Chapman Science Students Dive Into the Biology of COVID-19 Vaccine updates and evolution of the virus were among the topics in Schmid College lecture series.
Chapman University Chemistry Professor delivering lab supplies to students
At-Home Lab Kits and Supplies Enhance Remote Science Instruction at Chapman University delivers microbes, test tubes and more to support science students at home.
Bev Weatherill '50 reads a letter.
Students’ Letters to Home-Bound Seniors Welcomed as “an Unexpected Gift” Response to physics professor's extra-credit offer reflects a commitment to service.
Alexandros (left) and Matt Drivas deliver face shields to St. John's Hospital
CU Students and Faculty 3D Print Almost 5,000 Face Shields for Healthcare Workers Alexandros Drivas '21 finds motivation in protecting his mom, an emergency physician assistant.

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