Chapman University takes time each year to honor its roots by hosting
Founders Day
. On March 10 and 11, the university will host the annual Founders Day event with the theme:
sponsored by the
Office of Church Relations
. Founded in 1861 by the Disciples of Christ, Chapman University has evolved into a thriving university with a diverse culture in the heart of Orange County, California. The two-day event is open to the public and serves as an opportunity to reflect on the university’s history.
“Founders Day is a time when we can come together in renewal and reunion within the campus community,” said Rev. Nancy Brink, director of church relations at Chapman University. “We are a totally inclusive community and invite students and people of all faiths to participate in this tradition.”
The featured speaker this year is Rev. Dr.
Michael Kinnamon
who will speak on the current climate of fear, on Friday, March 10, in Chapman’s Fish Interfaith Center. Dr. Kinnamon is the immediate past General Secretary of the National Council of Churches and has previously led the Consultation on Church Union and the World Council of Churches’ Commission on Faith and Order. He is also the author of the new book:
The Witness of Religion in an Age of Fear
(Westminster John Knox Press).
On Saturday, March 11, there will be a talk and a worship service led by Dr. Frank Thomas, the Director of the Academy of Preaching and Celebration at Christian Theological Seminary.
While the event is open to the public, registration is requested at:
Chapman’s history is preserved by the Office of Church Relations, which serves as the living link between Chapman’s founding denomination – the Christian Church (
Disciples of Christ
) – and the university. As a church related university, Chapman represents the open spirit of Disciples that recognizes and affirms the integrity of all spiritual paths. Since 2010 Chapman has also been recognized as a school related to the Disciples’ ecumenical partner denomination, the
United Church of Chris
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