The Quarantine Diaries: A Chapman University Archiving Project

Quarantine Diaries

Who tells your story?* You.

Inspired by university archives across the country, the Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections and Archives of the Leatherby Libraries invites contributions to The Quarantine Diaries: A Chapman University Archiving Project. The project aims to capture the experiences of the university community during the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders and the unrest our nation has faced during these historic times. Saving the memories of this paramount experience that humanity has faced during this pandemic will give future researchers valuable insights into our university life.

Who is eligible to donate?

Chapman University community members (in Orange County and beyond) eligible to donate to the archives include:

  • Students/Student organizations/Alumni
  • Staff/Retired Staff
  • Administrators/Retired Administrators
  • Faculty/Retired Faculty
  • Affiliates (i.e., Chapman University Board of Trustees/Governors, parent volunteers, Town & Gown Board members, donors)

What can I donate?

Examples of personal and professional content donated to the archives can take almost any form, if it represents a person’s experiences of the quarantine and can be submitted electronically.

Contributions include but are not limited to:

  • Writings
  • Journal entries
  • Stories
  • Poetry
  • Artwork
  • Personal essays
  • Research essays
  • Research projects
  • Voice recordings
  • Social media posts
  • Photos
  • Videos

How do I donate?

For more information, please go to the guide for the Quarantine Diaries project.

Thank you for supporting the preservation of historical collections connected to the university’s past and present, and our programs of research. Write yourself into the narrative!

*Credit to Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton for reminding us to tell our stories.

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