
Upcoming 25Live Trainings

Looking to schedule an event at Chapman? No matter the kind of event, Chapman’s online reservation system, 25Live, is here to help. 25Live allows authorized members of the Chapman community to request use of University spaces, equipment, and services 24/7.

In order to get started and access 25Live, email to sign up for a training date. The next trainings are:

Once you’ve finished the training, you’re good to go! The Event Scheduling Staff will grant you permission to your section. If later on, you need to have access to another section, please email

Important Notes:

  •  To create an event on 25Live, use either Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Safari and login using your normal Chapman staff/faculty credentials.
  • Please note: The system will let you login with your Chapman credentials, but until you’ve gone through training and receive permissions, you will not be able to create an event.
  • Follow the event scheduling timeline to see when the 25Live system opens for you to submit events to the following school year.
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SMCSTU20 Hannah Montante

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