Memorial Hall at Chapman University with students walking to classes

The New “Working@Chapman” Website Makes it Easier to Stay Informed

Are you tired of getting information secondhand? “Working at Chapman” is your new “one-stop shop” for the latest Chapman news and announcements. It’s an effort to keep faculty and staff informed and reduce the number of emails sent and received.


This new online hub is a direct result of the “Chapman Experience” initiative, which surveyed faculty and staff on areas to improve work life at the University.

“An overwhelming request from the Chapman Community, and a clear takeaway for the Chapman Experience Communication work team, is to establish a centralized portal where University application, resources, communication, news and events can be accessed and retrieved effectively,” said Dean Lisa Sparks, Ph.D., who chaired the Communication work team. (Read the full report here)

Navigate to the “Working at Chapman” homepage to view important announcements, upcoming events, featured stories, access frequently-used resources. This new communication hub is a bottom-up response to the concerns of staff and faculty alike and is designed with accessibility and ease in mind. Working@Chapman also includes a helpful link to a “Tools and Resources” webpage that also includes a searching capability so frequently-used applications are easy to find.

The “New” Newsletters

Additionally, the weekly institutional newsletters will get a brand-new look, increased functionality and a new name, “Working@Chapman.” The twice-weekly newsletters will now include featured stories, announcements, events and news clips. These newsletters will no longer be sent to students, who feedback reveals, are more likely to read Dean Price’s weekly email. Instead, the focus is purely on employees. To submit to Dean Price’s weekly email, send your news to

Submit to Working@Chapman Website or Newsletter

All members of the Chapman community can submit events and announcements to the weekly institutional newsletter via the submission form. The updated form allows users to select an “announcement” or “event.” All newsletter submissions from previous weeks will still be included in the new newsletter. The goal of Working@Chapman is to strengthen the Chapman community through increased communication.

As part of this process, MyWindow will be phased out because it is hosted on an outdated infrastructure that no longer meets the needs of the campus community. Many of helpful links you use on that website will be housed on a “Tools and Resources” webpage found on the Working@Chapman homepage. For questions or concerns about MyWindow, please contact John Bui, Project Manager with IS&T.

As we continue to improve communications at Chapman, your feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

Key Takeaways


  • Working@Chapman is a new website for faculty and staff housing announcements and events

New Newsletter

  • Appears twice weekly, Mondays and Wednesdays
  • Exclusive to faculty and staff
  • All previous submissions will still be included in the new newsletter

How to Submit

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Stephanie House

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