Fostering an atmosphere of intellectual growth and discovery, Chapman University hosted its fourth annual Computational Sciences Graduate Conference (CSGC) on May 11, in Argyros Forum. This unique opportunity gave our Computational and Data Sciences Graduate Students the opportunity to present their hard work and gain recognition by their faculty and fellow peers. The conference was the largest to date, with Ph.D. student Luciano Rodriguez chairing the event.
As one of the student’s said, “indeed, preparing something for CSGC is a lot of work and can be a source of anxiety for students, but it is worth the effort—it is also excellent preparation for most any type of employment beyond the degree. The CSGC conference provides these opportunities to Computational and Data Sciences (CADS) graduate students.”
CADS currently has 33 students doing research and have presented in many national and international venues.
Here is an excerpt from remarks by Hesham El-Askary, Ph.D., graduate program director for CADS:
“The Ph.D. in Computational and Data Sciences is not only a unique and important program but it is also considered one of the important steps for Chapman University’s path to national stature.
We have been working on many projects and goals for our CADS students including finding Funding opportunities through industry partnerships; providing Teaching assistance ships for our students, establishing new collaboration initiative, for example, a possible track with the Pharmacy school, updating our website – new look and expanded information, creating a Student Policy handbook with all aspects of program with complete transparency.
Currently we are proud to have direct support from Experian and Atmospheric Data Solutions, Inc. who are helping in a great way for the success of the CADS program.
Graduates of our program have gone on to productive careers in academia and private sectors. Our first Ph.D. graduate, James Troupe is now serving as a Research Associate in the Applied Research Laboratories at the University of Texas at Austin and our second Ph.D. holder Louis Ehwerhemuepha is currently working as a Data Scientist at CHOC Children’s hospital. We are expecting to graduate seven Ph.D.s next year and we are very excited about that.”
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