Flags of Portugal and Azores are added to Global Citizens Plaza

Thanks to the generosity of the Vieira family, the flags of Portugal and Azores are now among those proudly flown within the Ambassador George L. Argyros ’59 Global Citizens Plaza.

Thanks to the generosity of Joe and Lina Vieira, parents of Nick Vieira ’17, the flags of Portugal and Azores are now among the flags proudly flown within the Ambassador George L. Argyros ’59 Global Citizens Plaza.

Nick’s grandfather, Batista S. Vieira, was chosen to raise the flags at the dedication ceremony. A video of the flag raising, held in May, is now available for viewing.

Joe Vieira served on the board of the Portuguese Organization for Social Services and Opportunities (POSSO) and was a founding board member of the Portuguese Heritage Society of California. He has been chairman and president of the Luso American Fraternal Federation, and has served as president of the League of Portuguese Fraternal Benefit Societies.

The family history is recounted in Batista S. Vieira: Contribuor De Sonhos E Realidades / Builder of Dreams and Realities by Álamo Oliveira.


Dawn Bonker

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