‘Virgin’ Territory: Actress Camille Collard ’10 enjoys breakout success

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Camille Collard ’10

Twice Camille Collard ’10 has been wrong about the popular CW sitcom Jane the Virgin. But that has turned out to be great news for her.

First, when her agent sent her a brief description of the plot, she thought it was beyond absurd. Then she imagined there was no way she would land the recurring role of Jane’s pal, Frankie.

“It called for a sassy best friend, boy crazy, any ethnicity. It was such a broad representation of requirements,” Collard says.

But she did get the role. And she now loves the show’s madcap premise: A virgin becomes pregnant via artificial insemination thanks to a distracted gynecologist.

“The show’s great,” she says. “The writers are so very clever.”

Critics agree. The Los Angeles Times called the series “one of the best things to come out of the fall season.” The New Yorker magazine described it as a “sweet surprise.”

To her role, Collard brings every moment of training honed in the Chapman University Department of Theatre. She adds that professors Tom Bradac and Tamiko Washington are mentors who “made a difference in my life and my understanding of the development of the craft and the tools that I needed.”

It adds up to a foundation that helped launch her career. “I’m paying my bills by acting now,” Collard says, “which is all I ever really wanted to do.”

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