woman giving the hand to a man with his head exploding
OFF THEIR ROCKERS -- Season: 2 -- Pictured: Betty White -- (Photo by: Rick Floyd/NBC)

Matt Jekowsky ’12: Production Assistant for Betty White

Matt Jekowsky ’12 applies the skills he developed at Dodge College to his job as production assistant for NBC’s “Betty White’s Off Their Rockers.”

This story originally appeared in the spring 2013
Chapman Magazine

What could be better than working with one of the greatest television actresses of our time? “Nothing,” said
Matt Jekowsky ’12
, who is building
on the skills he developed at Dodge College of Film and Media Arts in his new job as a production assistant for NBC’s Betty White’s Off Their Rockers.

Matt Jekowsky ’12 and Betty White.

During his senior year and after graduation Jekowsky worked at a marketing agency but stayed in touch with friend Jamie Reiff ’11, when the two collaborated on projects.

One day Reiff called Jekowsky to offer him a position with the show.

“At first, I had to say no,” explained Jekowsky. “I was really excelling at the agency, but I loved working with Jamie.” After some coaxing, he finally said yes, deciding that “it was just great timing — the perfect opportunity to try something new.”

Working with White is as amazing as he imagined.

“She is unbelievable. You can truly see the love and passion she has, and that is why she has enjoyed doing what she does for so long,” he said.

His favorite day of work was the episode with Gangnam Style sensation Psy on set. “Seeing Psy do his dance was definitely the highlight.” he said.

Jekowsky confirms, “Betty White really is America’s Grandma.”

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