Book, Look, Cook


taste-testing peaches
this week, we asked food science Professor Fred Caporaso, Ph.D., Schmid College of Science, “What are you reading this summer?”

“Copernicus’ Secret: How the Scientific Revolution Began
Jack Repcheck
. There’s a lot of serendipity that goes into great discoveries, and that was true for Copernicus. The take on message in this book is that there is often some serendipitous event for many scientists. So not only do you have to be good, you have to be lucky sometimes. There’s all kinds of seediness, too. He had an affair. It’s just a fun read.”



X marks the spot, but where?

Last week’s mystery photo was a real puzzler, and no correct guesses came in, so someone out there could still win. Just check
the original post
. (Clue: It’s not in Leatherby.) In this week’s mystery photo, X marks the spot, but where? First correct answer to
wins a Chapman pennant.


It’s too hot to cook, so it’s a good time to try this spinach salad from Colleen Stacher, collections specialist in
Student Business Services
. Colleen keeps perfect accounts at work, but allows a little leniency when it comes to ingredients like cayenne, cumin and chili powder. Have fun!

Colleen’s Spinach Salad

2 packages baby spinach
2 Fuji apples, sliced
1/2 cup blue cheese
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 sliced red onion sliced
1 cup roasted walnuts (see roasting directions below)
2 cups walnuts, coarsely chopped (or pecans)

Roasted Nuts

In a large glass bowl, coat nuts in olive oil, pour onto cookie sheet and sprinkle with brown sugar. Lightly sprinkle cayenne pepper. Sprinkle cumin and chili powder, usually a dab more than cayenne, but according to taste.  Put it all back into glass bowl and microwave for 1 minute. Stir to coat. Let sit for 1 minute.  Repeat 5 times in microwave.

Assemble all salad ingredients in large serving bowl. Serve with a raspberry style vinaigrette or whisk together Colleen’s version:

Cran-Raspberry Vinaigrette

1 cup olive oil
1/2 cup raspberry vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
a  handful or so of finely chopped dried cranberries

Dawn Bonker

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