Student Employees of the Year honored

group smiling with award
Left to right are Abbie Kane, Employment Services Representative, Kristin Kirkpatrick ’10, 2009-2010 Student Employee of the Year, and Harold Hewitt, Jr., Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer.

Accounting major Kristin Kirkpatrick ’10 was named this year’s Student Employee of the Year at a recent awards luncheon hosted by the Student Employment Services division of Human Resources.

Kirkpatrick works in the Human Resources division, where supervisors described her as an employee “who takes her responsibilities as a student worker very seriously.”

Other nominees honored at the luncheon include: Thomas Arsenault, Schmid College; Marisa Conner, Student and Campus Life; Azriel Dror, College of Educational Studies; Michael Franco, Think Together; Emily Freyer, Leatherby Libraries; Noelle Hum and Samuel Lee, University Honors Program; James Kerr, School of Law; Aingau Lam, Rinker Law Library; Emily Novick, Office of the Executive Vice President & COO; Emily Schuck, University Advancement; and Jennifer Woods and Madison Yates, Office of Housing and Residence Life.

Dawn Bonker

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