Tag - faculty

Chapman University officials to lead PBS SoCaL Board of Trustees
Marvin W. Meyer Athenaeum dedicated in memory of professor who made it happen
The late professor Marv Meyer during a 2011 trip to Greece. A memorial is planned September 23.
Memorial, tribute to honor the late professor Marv Meyer set for Sept. 23
Two professors awarded California Community Foundation Getty Fellowships
The late professor Marv Meyer during a 2011 trip to Greece. A memorial is planned September 23.
Chancellor announces passing of Marv Meyer, Griset Chair in Bible and Christian Studies
University scholars comment on healthcare, nature, entrepreneurial spirit
Teachers get a Keene view of history with images, pictures during campus conference
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Chapman University faculty, alumni to stage Shakespeare’s ‘Venus and Adonis’ in Prague
Best advice for experimental economics programs — ‘Just do it,’ says Prof. Smith

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