Tag - economy

man smiling
THE PURPLE PRINCIPLE: One Golden State, Two Democratic Parties: These Not So United States
Raymond Sfeir, Ph.D.
THE PRESS DEMOCRAT: North Bay fuel less than $6 per gallon nearly obsolete
Tom Campbell, Chapman Law professor
DAILY BREEZE: California Needs Budget Reform to Make Most of Supluses
President Emeritus Jim Doti presented the annual Economic Forecast in a university studio, allowing thousands of viewers to watch the virtual event online.
How Long Will COVID-19 Affect the Economy? Find Out at Chapman’s Economic Forecast Update Admission to the Wednesday, June 16, virtual event is complimentary.
Chapman University Mourns Death of Esmael Adibi, Ph.D., Beloved Professor and Co-Presenter of Chapman Economic Forecasts
President Doti’s study on colleges at risk of failing published in Chronicle of Higher Education
Prof. Adibi to present forecast at OC Risk Management Association meeting
Consumer confidence slipping, says Anderson Center
Professor Smith commentary published in Newsweek
Chapman economics team calls for austerity to boost export growth
Feds missed opportunity to balance housing market, Prof. Smith writes in Newsweek

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