Category - Science & Engineering

Wescombe STEM Scholarship
Beckman Foundation Endows Science Scholarship at Schmid College
Christopher Kim and students.
Faculty Member Honored for Undergraduate Mentorship
killefer school building
Renovations Begin on Historic Killefer School  The building will become the new home of Chapman University's Institute for Quantum Studies.
review of hiker in rainforest
A Matter of Degrees: Tropical Forests Are Within Critical Temperature Thresholds Two Chapman University scientists are on the team of more than a dozen who gathered and confirmed crisis-level data.
students soldering on circuit board
Summer Engineering Academy Gives Local Students Hands-On Experience
New MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Offers Holistic Education in Rapidly Evolving Field AI and machine learning are main elements in the program, which starts in fall 2023.
Chloe Castanon
SURF Student Researches Canning the World’s Favorite Fish
oliver mathias
Breakup Buddy: Oliver Mathias ‘21 Creates AI App That Helps Ease the Pain of Heartbreak 
CUSP summer research program for high schoolers
High Schoolers Learn From Chapman Pharmacy Faculty
video game program
Chapman Student Levels Up After Creating a Hit Video Game
NOVA - Brain Institute
Professor, Post-Doc Researchers Featured on NOVA Episode
Chapman banner
New Chapman Program Provides a Path to Internship and Research Experiences for STEM Students

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