Category - Driven by Curiosity

Germinal faculty; Research and Creative Activity; Innovative programming and initiatives; Presidential Fellows; Rankings

six people holding posters made in a workshop
Sowers of Peace All over the globe, changemakers are embracing Whitney McIntyre Miller’s  peace leadership model, feeding a global movement for systemic change.
Chapman grant awards - October 2023
Chapman University Research Awards for October 2023
composite image of landscape showing rain, fire and dry earth
The Ways of Water: Interdisciplinary Research Examines Water Systems in the American Southwest Hydrologist Tom Piechota leads interdisciplinary research that informs strategies for managing the West’s most precious natural resource.
stephanie takaragawa holding black and white portrait of young boy
Art From the Inside: Comic Art Offers Intimate Look at Japanese Incarceration A new exhibition explores life inside the Japanese incarceration camps from the point of view of the people who lived there.
close up of shrimp
Professor Investigates What’s Really in Your Frozen Shrimp Package
cartoon illustration of pharmacist and customer
Prescription For Savings Chapman pharmacy professor's study highlights the United States' flawed - and expensive - drug approval process.
Memorial Hall
Chapman University Research Awards for September 2023
Wescombe STEM Scholarship
Beckman Foundation Endows Science Scholarship at Schmid College
Martina Nieswandt
Message from the Vice President for Research Martina Nieswandt, Ph.D., reflects on a year at Chapman.
seth benzell
5 Questions: Inside a Modern Paradox Why Hasn’t Productivity Kept Up With Technology?
Chapman banner
Law Dean to Speak at International Bar Association Conference
illustrated thumbprint superimposed over a luch African landscape
More Than Just a Card: IDs Open Doors Thanks to a faculty member and students, voting and getting a bank account will be more accessible to people in West Africa.

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