Wilkinson History Professor Mateo Jarquín Awarded Harvard Dissertation Prize

Mateo Jarquín, Ph.D.,  professor of history at Wilkinson College has been awarded the Harvard History Department’s 2020 Harold K. Gross Dissertation Prize. The prize is awarded each year to the Ph.D. recipient whose dissertation, in the opinion of department members, gave the greatest promise of a distinguished career of historical research. 

Jarquín joined Chapman University’s Department of History  in 2019, immediately after finishing his Ph.D. at Harvard University.

His research focuses on 20th-century revolutions in the so-called Third World. You can see his research reflected in his teaching at Chapman where he offers courses on the history of Latin America, the Cold War and U.S. foreign policy. 

Now that he’s at Chapman, he looks forward to doing his part in engaging the campus community in global conversations.

“Because Chapman is rapidly enhancing its national profile, it’s such an exciting time to have joined as a faculty member,” says Jarquín. “I think part of that national success lies in Chapman going global. That means promoting research, teaching and programming that puts our community at the center of conversations on international affairs. I hope my own work in those areas can contribute to Chapman’s growth in that regard.”


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