Electronic Resources Access for Part-Time Faculty

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At Chapman University, we understand that faculty rely on various software and electronic resources to enhance their teaching and research endeavors. These systems are available primarily to facilitate doing work on behalf of Chapman University. Therefore, they can only be available to faculty with a current teaching contract or those with an active hourly assignment such as lab support.

Our resources, which include email, Canvas, databases, journals, e-books, keycard access, library privileges, and more, are governed by strict contractual agreements. This means access is reserved for current faculty, staff, and students. When a faculty member’s contract concludes, their access will naturally be discontinued to ensure we comply with labor regulations and licensing agreements.

For our part-time faculty, access to these systems can be dependent on your contract periods. Log-in and email access will be turned off approximately two weeks after the end of the contract. For example, for faculty hired for the Fall semester, access will end in mid-January unless they return to teach in Spring. Those part-time faculty who teach throughout the year, without a pause, will not be impacted. Similarly, faculty members hired for the Spring semester who do not have contracts extending into the Summer will have their access to electronic systems end in mid-June.

It is important to note that when a part-time faculty is rehired, their account will be reinstated with all data intact.

We encourage you to thoroughly review these policies to gain a complete understanding of all the details.

Your success and ease in navigating these resources are important to us.


Norma Bouchard 
Executive Vice President, Provost, Chief Academic Officer

Helen Norris
Vice President, Chief Information Officer 

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