Information for Form 1095-C

Form 1095-C will be available on March 2, 2023

Form 1095-C allows the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to confirm Chapman’s compliance with the coverage and affordability provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). All Chapman University employees who are eligible to participate in medical insurance benefits should receive Form 1095-C, including those who declined coverage.

You may receive more than one form, to help you understand we put together an overview of the three versions of the IRS Form 1095 for 2022, which will help you identify each form.

  • Form 1095-A

Issued by the Health Insurance Marketplace (e.g., Covered California, for California residents) to individuals who were enrolled in health insurance exchange coverage during calendar year 2022.

  • Form 1095-B

Issued by the employer group medical insurance carrier. Chapman employees enrolled in the Kaiser or Cigna plans in 2022 receive this form directly from the carrier. 

  • Form 1095-C

Issued by the employer. Chapman sends this form to employees if they are considered full-time benefits eligible by ACA standards (those who work 75 percent time or more) during the 2022 calendar year.

For more information, please see Questions and Answers about Health Care Information Forms for Individuals (Forms 1095-A, 1095-B, and 1095-C) on 

If you have questions, please email our Benefits team at

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