illustration of distinguished alumni award with photos in circles of 13 awardees

2022 Distinguished Alumni Awards Celebrate Accomplishments of Chapman Alumni

Each year, Chapman honors alumni who have proved themselves to be exceptional in their accomplishments. As leaders in business, organizations and communities, the honorees represent the finest values and achievements of Chapman University alumni and serve as role models for students and others in our community.

Jennifer-Bassage-Bonfil.jpgJENNIFER BASSAGE BONFIL ‘02
College of Performing Arts
Dance education and curriculum specialist at The Wooden Floor

Jim-Byron.jpgJIM BYRON ‘15
Argyros School of Business and Economics
CEO of Nixon Library

Katie-Cornella.jpgKATIE CORNELLA (MMS ‘18)
Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
Lead PA in Interventional Cardiology, at the Orange County Heart Institute, at St. Joseph Hospital

Tyler-Russell-McCusker.jpgTYLER RUSSELL MCCUSKER ‘11
School of Communication
CEO of

13.Alumni-Honoree-Dr-Alexa-ZeigerALEXA ZEIGER (PHARM.D. ‘19)
School of Pharmacy
Clinical pharmacist at Cedars-Sinai

Dean-Anderson.jpgDEAN ANDERSON ‘86
Schmid College of Science and Technology
Retired – VP of Global Operations – chemistry at Beckman Coulter – A Danaher Operating Company

Sydni-Au-Hoy.jpgSYDNI AU HOY ‘22
Schmid College of Science and Technology
Cheverton Award recipient

Sarah-Halverson-Cano.jpgTHE REV. DR. SARAH HALVERSON-CANO ‘99
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Irvine United Congregational Church

Jared-Izumi.jpgJARED T. IZUMI (MA AND ED.S. ‘16)
Attallah College of Educational Studies
Assistant professor in the School Psychology program at the University of Iowa College of Education

Tiffany-Payton-Jameson.jpgTIFFANY PAYTON JAMESON ‘96
Fowler School of Engineering
Organizational psychologist at grit & flow

Emily-FrischEMILY FRISCH ‘16 (MA ‘17)
Schmid College of Science and Technology
Cheverton Award recipient; medical student at UC Irvine School of Medicine

Samantha-Dorey.jpgSAMANTHA DOREY (JD ‘11)
Fowler School of Law
Founding partner at Everett Dorey LLP

Kelly-GaluskaKELLY GALUSKA ‘06
Dodge College of Film and Media Arts
Creator, producer and writer at Netflix


Staci Dumoski

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