Updated Coronavirus Information: Campus Operations Normal

The health and well-being of our students, staff, and faculty is of utmost priority for Chapman University leadership. In an effort to update all faculty and staff concerning the evolving situation concerning coronavirus (COVID-19), we wish to confirm that there are still no cases of coronavirus at Chapman University on either the Orange or the Rinker campus or among our many study abroad participants. All campus operations remain normal.

We are working closely with Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) to monitor this evolving situation. In Orange County, the risk of exposure to coronavirus, officially named COVID-19, is rated “low.” OCHCA has also determined that the risk of contracting COVID-19 in an Orange County classroom is “low.”

Yesterday, we made the decision to cancel our participation in programs in South Korea and recall our students studying in South Korea. The CDC has issued a Level 3 warning for South Korea, meaning all non-essential travel should be avoided.

Today, we are contacting our students studying in Italy and Japan to advise them of their options concerning staying in the country or returning to campus or home for the semester. The CDC has issued a Level 2 warning for Italy and Japan, meaning that older adults and those with chronic medical conditions should consider postponing nonessential travel.

All communication to students studying abroad concerning coronavirus is archived on the Global Studies website.

Visit the Public Safety Blog for Up-To-Date Information and Alerts

As this situation changes, we are updating and posting to Chapman University’s Public Safety blog. We will share additional updates and emergency alerts related to all important issues dealing with campus public safety. You can view the blog at chapman.edu/alerts.

IS&T is Experiencing Computer Equipment Delays

At this time, due to the situation concerning coronavirus in China, IS&T is experiencing some delays in computer equipment deliveries. As always, IS&T appreciates your continued patience and apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Service Desk at servicedesk@chapman.edu.

Helpful Information on Coronavirus, and What To Do if You’ve Been Exposed

It is believed that COVID-19 is spread in a similar way as coughs, colds, and flu: sneezing, coughing and touching an infected person or surface and then touching your mouth, eyes, and nose. Prevention tips include: hand washing and using hand sanitizer. At this time, there is not a vaccine or shot to prevent COVID-19.

If you believe you have been exposed to COVID-19, call your health care provider immediately. If you do not have a healthcare provider or if you need to be seen at a hospital, do not go directly to the hospital. Please call the emergency room to get instructions before going in.

For more information about how to protect yourself from COVID-19, review this fact sheet based on information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

To learn more about COVID-19, visit the CDC website.

For the latest information about campus operations, return to this Public Safety blog, chapman.edu/alerts, and follow our social media accounts, especially Twitter.


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