On Dec. 31, MyWindow officially retired, paving the way for the new faculty and staff website, Working@Chapman.
What is Working@Chapman?
Working@Chapman is a website and twice-weekly newsletter for faculty staff. Working@Chapman is the result of collaboration between IS&T and SMC to bring you an enhanced “Chapman Experience” based on feedback from faculty and staff surveys.
Working@Chapman provides up-to-date campus announcements, news and events.
There is also a helpful “Tools and Resources” webpage linked on the Working@Chapman homepage. For questions or concerns about MyWindow, please contact John Bui, Project Manager with IS&T.
The “New” Newsletters
The twice-weekly newsletters now include featured stories, announcements, events and news clips. These newsletters will no longer be sent to students, who feedback reveals, are more likely to read Dean Price’s weekly email. Instead, the focus is purely on employees. To submit to Dean Price’s weekly email, email dos@chapman.edu.
Submit to Working@Chapman Website or Newsletter
All members of the Chapman community can submit events and announcements to the weekly institutional newsletter via the submission form.
Share Your Feedback, Ask Questions
As we continue to improve communications at Chapman, your feedback is welcomed and appreciated.