Jon-Barrett Ingels (Class of ’00) packaged his insecurities and what he calls failures into a rousing success. He recently published his first book, the nonfiction memoir-novella How to Succeed by Failing, with Black Hill Press, an independent publishing house run by Kevin Staniec ’01.
Writing wasn’t Ingels’ plan, but his inner artist begged to be published after events in his life were impossible to ignore.
A student of theatre at Chapman University, Ingels moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career just before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. At a time when he was still finding his way in the world, Ingels’ equilibrium was shaken by a deep concern for the nation’s future.
He and some friends headed to Canada, chronicling on film their attempt at escape. How to Succeed by Failing tells a coming-of-age story through the ups and downs of this endeavor.
After graduation, Ingels found his “reality, the challenges, the struggle” shocking, especially amid the fear that permeated our post-9/11 culture. He wanted to share his experience and “failures” in his memoir to encourage others to take control of their lives and realize their dreams.
Ingels says Chapman fanned his artistic flame. After studying playwriting with Chapman Professor Ron Thronson, Ingels discovered his voice. Falling “deeply in love with Shakespeare,” he also learned the power of listening and reacting.
“I was a dreamer back then. Now I have to force myself to keep dreaming,” Ingels said. “That’s why I write.”
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