Young Man Falling Asleep with Book on Face
Young Man Falling Asleep with Book on Face

Losing sleep? Hear what Dr. Peter Fotinakes ’76 has to say about that

Is a lack of sleep making you fat? Depressed? Unhealthy? Gain insights into those and other sleep topics by tuning into hear an interview with alumnus Dr. Peter Fotinakes, M.D., ’76, on the podcast
Straight Talk M.D.

Fotinakes, who earned his undergraduate degrees in chemistry and biology at Chapman before studying medicine at UCI, is the medical director of the St. Joseph’s Hospital Sleep Disorders Center, a comprehensive, state-of-the art sleep medicine facility in Orange, Calif. On a
Straight Talk M.D.
episode titled “Sleep Talk,” Fotinakes discusses chronic sleep deprivation and the implications it has for obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and even a shortened life-expectancy.

two men talking on radio

Dr. Peter Fotinakes, M.D., ’76, at left, discusses sleep issues with Dr. Frank Sweeny, host of the podcast “Straight Talk M.D.” (Photo/Sara Sweeny)

“Sleep is a drive. It’s very much like the drive to breathe. You have the ability to overcome your breathing. You can hold your breath. But at some point your body takes over … The same thing happens with sleep,” Fontinakes tells host Dr. Frank Sweeny, M.D..

Listen to the entire interview at
or at the
Straight Talk M.D. website


Dawn Bonker

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