We love those pets, but how deep should we dig when faced with veterinary bills?

man smiling
Dr. Tibor Machan

Professor Tibor Machan, Ph.D., professor and holder of the R.C. Hoiles Chair in Business Ethics and Free Enterprise at the Argyros School of Business and Economics, joins
Marley and Me
author John Grogan and other animal lovers and experts in an online discussion hosted by
The New York Times
about the ethics of taking extraordinary means to treat ill pets. The “One Sick Dog, One Steep Bill” commentary and related comments may be read at the Times’
Room for Debate

Dr. Machan has debated animal rights in his widely reprinted paper “Do Animals Have Rights?” (1991) and his book
Putting Humans First: Why We Are Nature’s Favorite
(2004). He has also written on the ethics of animal treatment in his book
Putting Humans First


Dawn Bonker

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