Delve deeper into the art of dance with Backhausdance

By Laurie Swain ‘12


Backhausdance, a professional dance company founded by adjunct dance faculty member Jennifer Backhaus ’94, will reveal the creative process behind a production from concept to finished product, in two special performances at 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 29, and Saturday, July 30, in Chapman University’s Waltmar Theatre.  

The program, 
,  will open with student performances, be followed by a discussion, and close with the company’s newest piece
. These special performances culminate the two-week intensive program conducted by Backhausdance in Chapman’s Partridge Dance Center this summer. Dancers come from all over the United States to participate. Many of the company dancers and staff members are Chapman alumni.

For more information on tickets for this performance, please visit

Dawn Bonker

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