A teacher asks: 'Are American college students lazy?'


Talk about touching a nerve. A missive by a fed-up faculty member who says today’s college students suffer from entitlement issues, slothful study habits and lousy writing skills – unless they’re texting in class – has roused a hubbub in
The Chronicle of Higher Education

In an opinion piece titled
From Students, a Misplaced Sense of Entitlement
, writer Elayne Clift indicts not just students, but also what she says is an educational system gone soft. Some 300 and counting comments have piled up in the response thread.

Clift writes: “Having passed through a deeply flawed education system in which no one is paying attention to critical thinking and writing skills, they just want to know what they have to do to make their teachers tick the box that says “pass.”   Ouch. Unkind cut, or painfully close to the truth? What’s your take?

Dawn Bonker

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