Got any goodies for the holiday party raffle?

 Chapman’s annual Staff and Faculty Holiday Party is coming up on Wednesday, Dec. 22.  One of the highlights of the event each year is the prize raffle.  In previous years we’ve heard that there were members of our community who had items to donate, but were not asked.  So this year, we’re extending the invitation to donate prizes to everyone.

Raffle donations can include items like gift cards, tickets to events, stays in vacation homes, gift baskets and just about anything else.  Be creative!  We already have close to 100 prizes to raffle off but we’d love to have more.  The more prizes we have the better your chance of going home with one!

If you have any items that you would like to donate to the Holiday Party raffle or if you know anyone who does, please e-mail Eileen Besner at

 Don’t forget to R.S.V.P. for the party by Friday, Dec. 3 – that’s how you get your raffle tickets!  You should have received an invitation in your e-mail inbox this week.

Dawn Bonker

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