Chapman students are no strangers to community giving and service. Join them in Giving Tuesday activities today and throughout the holiday season.
Chapman students are no strangers to community giving and service. Join them in Giving Tuesday activities today and throughout the holiday season.

Chapman students pitch in on Day of Service

Chapman University’s Second Annual Day of Service was a huge success! Students fanned out across the city and neighboring communities today to pull weeds, prep community gardens, organize and stock a soup kitchen, paint an elementary school mural, deep clean a local shelter, pitch in at a history museum and play with the kids at a children’s museum. Other groups hunkered down on campus and made heaps of blankets and cute scarves for shelter animals and bookmarks and friendship bracelets for the local library to use as reading incentives.

Whew! What a day. It was all part of annual service day held during the Chapman Family Homecoming Celebration.

Dawn Bonker

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