New research forms posted at IRB site

Are you engaged in either human or animal research?  Fran C. Dickson, Ph.D., chair of the Institutional Review Board, would like to call your attention to two forms on the IRB webpage that need to be completed by anyone conducting research regardless of exempt or non-exempt status.

A new form, “Expedited Review of Survey/Questionnaire Research” is to be used for projects involving anonymous surveys on or off-line.  The revised “Application for Human Research” is to be used for all other human research projects.  Any student conducting research with the intent of presentation at local (which include Chapman Research Fairs), national or international conferences and/or publication needs to complete an IRB application with a faculty sponsor. The “Instructor’s Application for Course Assignments Involving Human Research” should be used for all other student research done in the classroom.

Please remember to always access the IRB webpage in order to use the most updated version of any form.  Do not use forms that you have saved previously as they may be outdated.  For more information regarding IRB policies and procedures, please visit the
IRB webpage

Dawn Bonker

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