President Doti writes essay suggesting tolerance for mosque near Ground Zero


The National September 11 Memorial & Museum

Americans’ ideals of liberty and freedom of religion did not die in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and a mosque near Ground Zero would be testament to that, President Jim Doti writes in a sensitive essay that appeared Sunday, Sept. 26,  in
the Orange County Register

President Doti’s reflections follow in the wake of protests denouncing plans for a mosque to be be built near
The National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

“Allowing a “Ground Zero mosque” would be a testament to the terrorists’ ultimate failure. They can demolish buildings; they can barbarically steal peoples’ lives; and yes, they can strike fear in the lives of those who survive,” President Doti wrote. “But they didn’t succeed in taking away an idea that forms the glue that binds our nation together, an idea rooted in the founding of our country: that we have certain unalienable rights and that among them is the freedom to worship as we choose.

To read the 
entire essay
visit the OC Register online.

Dawn Bonker

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