Free popcorn and ‘Dr. Strangelove’ in the piazza tonight

Yahoo! Dr. Strangelove tonight!

Jim, Jerry and Marla’s
Black-and-White Film Festival
continues tonight, Sept. 17, with the 1964 classic
“Dr. Strangelove”
– screening at 8 p.m. on the Attallah Piazza in front of Leatherby Libraries. Free popcorn and movie candy for all movie-goers! (Or BYO refreshments). You don’t need to bring a chair — there’s plenty of seating in the piazza and up on the hill. You’ll probably need a blanket or shawl, though.

“Dr. Strangelove” is a comedy about doomsday at the height of the Cold War, starring the great
Peter Sellers
in a triple role as the U.S. President, an RAF officer and the wacky ex-Nazi nuclear expert Dr. Strangelove, who has a hand with a mind of its own. Come join us!

Dawn Bonker

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