Time management topic of Brandman Leadership NOW

Brandman University

 Brandman University’s August Leadership NOW Seminar Series will feature Gail Brown, experienced instructor, motivational speaker, consultant and coach as she explores the issue of time management. 

In today’s business culture, everyone is working harder and longer hours, yet feeling like they are not doing enough to stay on top of their responsibilities. Demands on our time both personally and professionally are taking their toll. This workshop is for anyone who wants to regain control of their time and become more organized. Participants in this interactive session will learn how to:  

  • Avoid obstacles and time wasters
  • End procrastination, perfectionism and other time traps
  • Prioritize your calendar by advance planning techniques
  • Boost productivity by identifying and eliminating time-eating habits and organizational hurdles
  • Plan more effective team meetings

The seminar is scheduled from 8 to 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 11, at Brandman University, 16355 Laguna Canyon Rd., Irvine. Admission is $30. Registration is required. Please log on to the
to register or call Caroline Gottschling at 949-341-9902.

Dawn Bonker

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