An article in The Daily Beast by Vernon L. Smith, Ph.D., co-winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economic Science, Chapman University professor and holder of the George L. Argyros Endowed Chair in Finance and Economics, is enjoying a viral wave of media attention.
In an essay headlined “Please, No More Government Spending!” Dr. Smith writes: “Our best shot at increasing employment and output is to reduce business taxes and the cost of creating new start-up companies.” Smith also describes research conducted by him and Steven Gjerstad, Presidential Fellow at Chapman, that examined the last 14 recessions including the Great Depression.
So far we’ve seen the story referenced at Investors.com, Housing Matters, a blog at the Library of Economics and Liberty, Reason Foundation and BeltwayBlips. No doubt there are others. It’s a talker! Post additional links in our comments section.
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