Trio of young journalists from Chapman ready to make an impact


Chapman alumni Chasen Marshall, left, Mary Plummer and Sharaf Mowjood graduated from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism together.

Chapman alumni certainly took a bite of the Big Apple this year.

Three of our alumni graduated with master’s degrees this month from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. They are: Chasen Marshall ’06 English/journalism, Sharaf Mowjood, ’05 Peace Studies and film, and Mary Plummer ’06 English/journalism.

Mowjood, who was active in student government and president of the Muslim Student Association at Chapman, was accepted into the NBC News Associates Fellowship at NBC, New York. Plummer, a former Panther editor-in-chief, was awarded an ABC fellowship to work in London beginning this fall. Marshall, also a former Panther editor-in-chief, is considering jobs on both the East and West coasts. His
article on a high-profile jockey published this week on

Dawn Bonker

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