Category - Research

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CUSP Professor Publishes Study in JAMA
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The Pandemic* Effect *No, Not That Pandemic
map of Los Angeles County showing tree canopy
Adding Equity to the Urban Forest Canopy Chapman University researcher Shenyue Jia's interactive map shows areas where planting trees can contribute to climate resilience, environmental equity and the improvement of public health.
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National Eye Institute Awards Professor $1.7 Million for Ocular Research
composite photo of researchers and creatives
What Drives Those Who Explore at the Cutting Edge of Discovery? Chapman University’s bold vision and creative culture are helping to inspire breakthrough projects with global impact.
Chapman students work with a dinosaur fossil in the lab.
In Chapman’s Dino Lab, Students Dig Beyond Childhood Dreams of Jurassic Adventures Legendary paleontologist Jack Horner leads an immersive journey that brings an intriguing dinosaur fossil discovery from Montana to campus.

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