Author - Carly Murphy

Brain scan
The Signals in Your Brain that Tell You When It’s Time to Move
Expert Tips for Freshmen: Navigating College Success with Unwritten Rules
Dodge College
Chapman University is the No. 4 film program for the fourth year running
Move in Day
Chapman University welcomes nearly 2K new students on move-in day
Professor Stephany Cuevas in classroom setting
New Research from Chapman University Examines Family Support and Challenges for Latinx Students
justin walsh holding model of international space station
Astronauts conduct the first archeological study in space Humans repurpose their surroundings to suit their needs, even in ISS microgravity.
justin walsh holding model of international space station
Archaeologists conduct first ‘space excavation’ on International Space Station – and discover surprising quirks of zero-gravity life
justin walsh holding model of international space station
Space Archaeology: Astronauts’ Secret Habits Caught on Camera
justin walsh holding model of international space station
First-Ever ISS Archaeological Survey Reveals Unexpected Findings The survey provided insights into how astronauts utilized the available space—though it involved less digging compared to traditional archaeological surveys.
justin walsh holding model of international space station
Newly published report outlines findings from first archaeology project in space
Chapman University
New Center of Excellence at Chapman University will study quantum theory and the nature of reality
head shot of professor Jeff Goad
Chapman University Expert Available to Discuss Measles Outbreak in California Media Pitch

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