Music in the air

Attallah Piazza

President Jim Doti is so enthusiastic about the recent Sholund Concert that he’d like to share parts of it with the rest of the campus community.  So instead of hearing Andrea Bocelli singing “Con te partiro” in Attallah Piazza at 5 p.m., the following will be played for your musical enjoyment at the workday’s end:

  • “O saluris hostia” (sung in Latin), Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868)
  • “Intermezzo sinfonico” (from Cavalleria rusticana), Pietro Mascagni (1863-1945)
  • “Regina coeli” (from Cavalleria rusticana), Pietro Masagni (1863-1945) 

President Doti is especially excited about student mezzo soprano Rachael Wilson, who has what he described as an elegant and graceful solo in Mascagni’s “Regina Coeli.”  Rachael, a vocal performance major studying under the great American soprano Carol Neblett, just completed her junior year.

President Doti commended conductor Stephen Coker and our students for what he considers “the best Sholund Concert ever.”

Sharing is caring!

Dawn Bonker

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