Chapman on the Road brought San Diego alumni together to hear the latest university news from President Daniele C. Struppa, and to catch up with fellow Panthers during an evening of relaxed socializing.

Bringing Alumni Together: Panther Meetups, Welcome Receptions, Networking Mixers and More Catch up on alumni news from Chapman University.

From Chapman on the Road and regional meetups, to volunteer opportunities that give back to the next generation, there’s more for Chapman alumni than ever before.

No one is more excited about the expansion and concentrated effort on alumni engagement in recent years than Michelle Philo ’03, president of the alumni board of directors.

Alumni parents of graduating seniors and graduates with one or more siblings who also attended Chapman celebrated at a special reception and champagne toast prior to the University Commencement ceremony.

“There are so many opportunities that have been created for alumni to stay engaged or reconnect with Chapman,” she said. “I have had the privilege to meet alumni not only at the Chapman campus, but at in person events from Los Angeles to San Diego. Chapman not only welcomes alumni back to campus, but also meets them where they are in their workplaces and their communities, providing opportunities to make an impact regardless of their proximity to campus.”

To alumni who want to stay involved with Chapman, she recommends, “Make sure your contact information is up to date so you can receive updates when the Chapman on the Road series is in your town or when there is a Panther Meetups near you. Offer to mentor a student through the new Panther Network. If you are local, be sure to stop by campus for an event and mingle with fellow alumni—several events on campus now feature alumni mixers beforehand.”

Chapman sweethearts Kelsea Ballantyne ‘07 and Zach Bloomfield ‘07 (far right, rear) helped welcome the next generation of Panthers during a reception at the home of current student Anne Crystal and her parents, Lilya and Chad, in Woodinville, Wash.

There are also dozens of volunteer opportunities throughout the year for alumni who want to give back, including alumni board committee and board member roles (details can be found on the alumni website). “There are a number of ways for any alumnus to not only contribute to Chapman, but to still experience the community that brought us together.”

Alumni Entertainment Mixer Brings Industry Leaders And Newcomers Together

A sold-out crowd of 300 Chapman alumni attended the 2024 Alumni Entertainment Mixer at Lionsgate Entertainment in Santa Monica, Calif. The event, which has become an annual tradition over the past decade, provides an opportunity for alumni in the entertainment industry to catch up with old friends and make new connections with shared experiences.

“What I love most about this event is the gathering of our alumni from different years. It’s like family,” said Akin Ceylan ’90, COO of Home Entertainment at Lionsgate and Chapman University Trustee. “It’s a nice time for people to get together and enjoy themselves … community is so important and [this is] an opportunity to build relationships.”

This year, recent graduates from the past three years were invited to attend a special industry roundtable session before the main event, and were given the opportunity to talk in small groups with leaders in their chosen fields. Dave Bushore ’04, vice president of franchise creative, marketing and immersive development for Marvel Studios, was one of the industry professionals who spoke with recent graduates about how the industry is changing with the development of new technologies such as AI.

“I’m here to try and get back into the Chapman community and would love to be able to do something that teaches about the things that I’ve learned in the industry,” he said, adding that he enjoyed hearing the perspectives of recent graduates. “Those are the people coming up now that are going to lead the industry for the next 20 or 30 years.”

Alumni Choir Celebrates Life of Performing Arts Dean William Hall

Hundreds of Chapman alumni returned to campus to participate in a Celebration of Life for Professor Emeritus William D. Hall, founding dean of the College of Performing Arts (CoPA) and founding dean and artistic director of the Musco Center for the Arts. Hall passed away in October 2023.

The event took place at the Musco Center and included performances by current Chapman students along with a special choir of alumni gathered for the occasion. The alumni choir was organized and conducted by Jonathan Talberg ’91, Gene Peterson ’99, Keith Hancock ’02 (MA ’04) and Joseph Modica ’95.

“One of the more special moments of the afternoon was conducting this splendid group of singers with Dr. Hall’s baton,” said Hancock, choral music director of Tesoro High School in Las Flores, who said that Hall was his chief musical mentor. “It was quite the reunion, especially for those who attended Chapman in the late ‘90s… it was an amazing and deeply emotional experience. It was particularly special to share the experience with current and former Tesoro students, who essentially are Bill’s musical grandchildren, as Bill’s baton continues to be passed from generation to generation.”

“The event was incredibly special,” said Casey Decker ’04. “He changed the lives of so many students and artists, and some of my favorite Chapman memories are from choir tours with other music students under Dr. Hall’s leadership and mentorship. I’ll forever be grateful for what he saw in me when I auditioned for him 20 years ago and the opportunities he provided me as a young, developing singer and artist.”


Staci Dumoski

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