Access the 2024 Ethics and Compliance Training on Vector Solutions

Chapman University is committed to the highest ethical standards, principles, and policies, which all Chapman University community members are expected to uphold by incorporating these values into their daily University activities, whether they occur on or off campus.

All faculty and staff must take Ethics Training, as mandated by President Struppa. This Chapman University-specific training covers ethics and compliance, Chapman’s code of conduct, fraud, waste and abuse (FWA), and how to report issues. It helps employees behave ethically and legally in their work.

To access the 2024 Ethics and Compliance Training, please sign in to your Vector account using your Chapman credentials ( Once inside, check the “My Assignments” tab on the left to find the 2023 Ethics and Compliance Training. For technical issues regarding access to Vector, please file a service ticket.

Unless your department has made specific arrangements, training should be completed by Sept. 30, 2024.

The Office of Institutional Compliance constantly strives to instill a broad foundation of ethical conduct and University-wide compliance with relevant policies through education and awareness.

If you have any questions regarding the material or the training, please send your inquiries/comments to

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